crisis averted! (maybe)
Herewith a cautionary — or an encouraging — tale. (Depends on how you read it.) A few weeks ago I started having a...
48 Results
Herewith a cautionary — or an encouraging — tale. (Depends on how you read it.) A few weeks ago I started having a...
Yesterday I got this email from Amazon: We’re writing about your past Kindle purchase of The Lord of the Rings by...
Via Nick Carr, a really interesting forthcoming paper on how students read using the Kindle DX. Some findings: •...
So, I did something dumb a couple of weeks ago: when packing up some books to sell at a nearby Half-Price Books, I...
. . . of the iPad as a reading device. The minuses: Terrible screen glare, even indoors. Fingerprints on the screen are...
Yeah, I know everybody read Infinite Jest last summer, but I didn’t. I had a book to write. Also this summer. So...
I’ve written here about my interest in Amazon’s recently implemented “Popular Highlights” feature, which lets...
This is not surprising: The Kindle isn’t doing as well in academic environments as Amazon—and educators—had...
Thanks to one of my wise and learned commenters, I discovered the pretty-much-wholly-unadvertised Your Reading page on...