Tag: Kindle

48 Results

| June 15, 2009


So you know how people — like, for instance, me — have pointed out that if you lose your Kindle you lose...

| May 18, 2009


I’m going to be traveling for the next week or so, so posting will be light to non-existent, but before I go I...

| April 27, 2009

one man's meat. . .

Attitudes : 1.  Anne Fadiman, the author, was relieved to learn that her essay collection, “Ex...

| April 6, 2009


I’ve written before on this blog that what I like most about the Kindle is the way that its design promotes...

| March 19, 2009


One of the really cool things about the Internet is that if you wait long enough someone else will say all the things...

| March 6, 2009


When we talk about reading, and whether The Screen is an enemy of The Book, we need to pause to make distinctions. We...

| March 4, 2009

a dialogue

ENTHUSIAST: My Kindle is awesome. I can carry around hundreds of books in one small package; I can order more books...