Nicholas Carr: Hashmobs [transfer] the flashmob concept into a purely realtime environment. A hashmob is a virtual mob...
63 Results
Nicholas Carr: Hashmobs [transfer] the flashmob concept into a purely realtime environment. A hashmob is a virtual mob...
Interesting stuff : When it comes to Google and other aggregators, newspapers face a sort of prisoners' dilemma. If...
That's what Jason Calcanis calls the lack of empathy, the failure to acknowledge common humanity, that he sees too...
Despite the widespread concerns about Google's power over the scanning and distribution of books, I had decided to...
In the Guardian of London, Henry Porter says that “Google is just an amoral menace.” His evidence? Google...
Jakob Nielsen says people read first 2 words (11 characters) of online lists or thereabouts (I’m hoping for a...
From the website : "Freedom is an application that disables networking on an Apple computer for up to eight hours...
Via the Blogoscoped blog, something interesting about searching and sorting data. If you read that post, you’ll...
One of the really cool things about the Internet is that if you wait long enough someone else will say all the things...
Over at Book2, James Bridle reveals the book he made from his tweets: Turns out that 4100 tweets can produce a 270 page...