. . . of the iPad as a reading device.

The minuses: Terrible screen glare, even indoors. Fingerprints on the screen are a major problem: they’re more visible than on the iPhone, especially when reading (because your eyes are on the screen for a long time without a break). It’s awfully heavy in comparison to the Kindle, especially the Kindle 3. Also, major distractions are one click away.

The plusses: the Kindle app is good, especially with two-column layout in landscape orientation. Quite lovely, really. Annotating is much quicker and easier than on the Kindle (though productive of those annoying fingerprints). Also, it’s nice sometimes to read without a lamp on.

Summary judgment: while I’ll probably be doing most of my web reading on the iPad, any long-form reading I’ll save for the Kindle. And for actual codex books.


  1. I have to laugh at how often you come out with all the cons on something then revert to using it–
    I love "our son's" Ipad. My husband intensely dislikes Apple, but even he has been intrigued by some of the apps on the Ipad.
    That's where the major value comes in. You're buying a gateway with quality control for wired innovators. Always something new.
    Just downloaded Smule's new magic fiddle/violin last night, after reading the review in USA today yesterday. Very interesting what people are doing with this little screen.
    Again, a gift to so many people with varying handicaps.

  2. I'd concur on most of those observations, Alan. As for the reading with lights off, it's great for reading stories to Ethan at bedtime, if from a long book like Percy Jackson or Harry Potter.

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