Tag: Writing

52 Results

| April 20, 2009


I really love Scott McCloud's seminal guide Understanding Comics, but in general I'm not a big fan of...

| March 24, 2009

Fulford on Orwell

Here are the first two paragraphs of George Orwell’s famous essay “Politics and the English...

| March 19, 2009

Self, typing

Will Self on his writing practices: Self, who prefers to write his fiction on a typewriter, adds that his daily word...

| March 17, 2009

Pound and Fenollosa

About ninety-five years ago, the American poet Erza Pound, then living in London, received the manuscript of an essay...

| March 13, 2009

more ideography

In response to yesterday’s post on traditional and simplified Chinese characters, I got a really interesting...

| March 12, 2009


Here’s a fascinating post by James Fallows on a current debate in China about how to form the ideographic...

| March 1, 2009

more counting

Faithful reader Tony Comstock informs me that those who are eager to multiply and count the words they write, as well...

| January 26, 2009

but everybody can see me!

Speaking of a lack of solitude, how would you like to try writing while the contents of your computer’s screen...

| December 19, 2008

a common thread

Just in case it’s not obvious, there is at least one common thread in these recent posts about how I read and how I...