Tag: Reading

187 Results

| October 5, 2009

Odysseus, Why?

My English 215 students are beginning serious work on their first essays now. Most of them will write on the Iliad or...

| September 30, 2009

last week’s reading

One of the fun — but also challenging — aspects of teaching at a liberal-arts college is that over the years you...

| September 10, 2009

the Vigilant School lives!

Here’s J. C. Hallman: I was at a dinner party one night. There was a nice pork loin and a big oval table, and good...

| September 2, 2009

here at the new digs

Welcome to the new Text Patterns, with fluffier pillows and a mini-fridge in every room! Our new platform (Blogger)...

| August 24, 2009


Erin O’Connor, from a post that I’ve been thinking about for the past six months or so: English teachers...

| August 10, 2009

the inevitable

In an article about the (possible) end of textbooks, we hear this comment: “Kids are wired differently these...