Tag: pynchonread

17 Results

| January 24, 2017

Tolkien’s riddles

The Riddles of the Hobbit is a riddling book about a riddling writer, a philological exercise concerning the works of a...

| January 24, 2017

Pynchon’s riddles

In the opening chapters of Against the Day Pynchon hints at certain oddities in the space/time continuum of the book....

| January 9, 2017

growth and form

In my previous post I explored some of the biological contexts of the idea of morphosis, form-changing, in Pynchon’s...

| January 9, 2017


Here’s a passage from my review of Adam Roberts’s edition of Coleridge’s Biographia Literaria: As the culmination...

| December 30, 2016

brief Pynchon update

Well … I know I said I was going to stop blogging my way through Pynchon, but I am grateful for the comments...

| December 26, 2016

a change of plan

Re-reading Gravity’s Rainbow — for the first time in decades — has been a remarkable experience. Among other...

| December 23, 2016


“As things developed, she [Oedipa Maas] was to have all manner of revelations,” we are told in the first chapter of...

| December 22, 2016

the tragedy of couriers

What is the real tragedy of the courier? That he should be the bearer, the transmitter, of messages which he neither...