Tag: letters

7 Results

| August 30, 2013

Solnit’s nostalgia

Rebecca Solnit writes, Those mail and newspaper deliveries punctuated the day like church bells. You read the paper...

| March 22, 2010


Thomas Mallon has collected a book of letters, and laments the loss of letter-writing culture. Louis Bayard thinks...

| December 7, 2009

more about email

Continuing the email theme, here’s a familiar lament from Megan Marshall: email is so impersonal in comparison to...

| January 23, 2009

the Republic of Letters

Here’s an excellent article by Robert Darnton, about which I will have more to say later. But for now here’s a...

| January 5, 2009

the age of correspondence

Fred Wilson says that we have entered an “age of correspondence” because now we write so much more than we talk on...