the end of intellectual property?
From the conclusion of Adrian Johns’s remarkable book Piracy: The Intellectual Property Wars from Gutenberg to...
23 Results
From the conclusion of Adrian Johns’s remarkable book Piracy: The Intellectual Property Wars from Gutenberg to...
I have one one thing to say about this statement from a MIT professor about the Aaron Swartz tragedy, and that’s that...
Maximal, abusive, mindless copyright expansion isn’t just a disaster for the public, though. It’s also a disaster...
A video of Larry Lessig's talk on the Google Book Settlement — and its legal and technological background...
I don't know what to think about the Google Books Settlement, though since it affects me, I really ought to have a...
Charlie Stross: As for the intellectual property, I try not to get too worked up about it. There’s a lot of...
It's rare to see a straightforward public apology with nary a weasel-word in it, but that's precisely...
Concerning the whole deleted-books-from-your-Kindle imbroglio, Sam Jordison writes in the Guardian: This early Kindle...
I have already related the lamentable tale of the loss of my Kindle. I now have an update. I didn't buy that Kindle...