the best of both worlds
Josef Beery has done well by his iPod Touch: he’s using it as a book reader and only as a book reader, with a...
62 Results
Josef Beery has done well by his iPod Touch: he’s using it as a book reader and only as a book reader, with a...
James Higgs writes: When I buy a book, I’m buying a physical, real world object that has properties that can be...
In particular, my post the other day about the Kindle user trying a book for the first time. Marco Arment on the Kindle...
That’s how Alison Flood in the Guardian characterizes Philip Roth’s thoughts about the future of the novel....
I tweeted a while back my sense that I should post something about this conversation about e-books and the future of...
Some good ideas from Mike Elgan, except for number 4 — I am so sick of “social” I could barf: 1. Bundled...
The well-known computer scientist/entrepreneur Philip Greenspun has a recent post which is an interesting combination...
Could e-books provide a way of getting expansive intellectual resources into the hands of poor and historically...
Over the next few days, as time permits, — here at Wheaton, we’re getting near the end of the semester, and...
One of the really cool things about the Internet is that if you wait long enough someone else will say all the things...